Waterside Bowlng Club - Safeguarding Policy

Very Important Information :

The following document is the Safeguarding Policy Document for the Waterside Bowls Club. ALL members are bound by the guidelines within. Any failure to comply with the guidelines must be reported to the Safeguarding Officer ( Sue Lewis-Parkes ) or Management Committee where serious disciplinary action or reporting to external agencies for further investigation may be taken.

It is also the responsibility for all members to ensure visitors to the Waterside Bowling Club follow the guidelines and report any issues, failure to comply with the guidelines of both visitors or members of Waterside Bowling Club to the Safeguarding Officer ( Currently - Sue Lewis Parkes )

WBC-Safeguarding-statement-and-policy.pdf WBC-Safeguarding-statement-and-policy.pdf
Size : 203.426 Kb
Type : pdf